Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lucia Solveig

One year ago, we had another baby. I never shared the birth story and while I haven't posted on this blog in years, I still feel it belongs on here just like her sisters' stories. So without further ado, here it is:

I started having Braxton Hicks contractions in August almost 2 months before my due date of Sept 30th. I didn't have them at all with my other two! Sometimes they were just pressure and sometimes quite painful. Some days, it felt like I would for sure go into labor. Elanor and Alice were both born early and I thought Lucie would come early too. She did not. I tried so many things: walking, steps, curb walking, yoga, positions and exercises to induce labor, bouncing on a birthing ball, everything but castor oil. It's hard to go full term and pass your due date, especially as I hadn't done that before. 

On October 3rd, I thought Lucie would come. I started having contractions in the evening and they were painful ones! My parents came and got Elanor and Alice in case we would need to leave for the hospital. I labored all night and stayed in contact with my midwife and the hospital. We decided to go to the hospital early in the morning just to check how things were moving along. By the time we were on our way, the contractions had slowed way down. They checked on me at the hospital and sent me home (now October 4th) as my contractions came to a stop. Ugh. I was so tired. I had been up all night laboring! Tyler and I went out to breakfast at IHOP and then went home and slept. I think I slept most of the day! We saw our girls for a bit before they went to Tyler's mom's house for the night. I slept a lot that day and night and felt well rested the next morning.

We went in for my check up and to discuss options. Since it was on my chart that I had gestational diabetes (though the specialist didn't think I had it, and based on Lucie's blood sugar when she was born, I actually didn't ever have it), they were saying that I would need to be induced by 41 weeks, which was 2 days away. I really didn't want to be induced but made a plan to do so. I also asked to have my membranes stripped as I had said no the last appointment, but I was feeling very done with being pregnant at this point. On the drive home from my appointment, contractions starts again. This time, they felt in earnest. I believe is was around noon. When we got home, the contractions started coming on fast. The intensity amped up, and the timing between contractions got closer and closer together. Tyler decided to run the grocery store to get some last minute things. While he was gone, my labor progressed quickly. It was certainly the real deal. I was either on my hands and knees or other positions to try and help myself get through each contraction, which were now between 3_4 minutes apart. When Tyler got home, we headed up to the hospital. Once we were all checked in (Tyler did all of the talking--once I'm going through it, I hardly talk at all!), we headed to our room. 

I remember being hooked up to some monitors and I was so focused on getting through each contraction, that I hardly registered what else was going on. I was extremely focused. I was standing up for quite awhile leaving against the bed. Once my legs started tiring out, I moved onto the bed and rested my legs a bit and labored on my side, lying down. They left Tyler and I alone in the room for awhile and it was nice to have just us and quiet. All of a sudden, I started to have the urge to push. Also, I don't use anesthesia for labor. I prefer to feel the pain. It makes me feel strong and capable, and also feeling the whole birth and release, etc, I just think that feeling is unbeatable and so unique and wouldn't trade it for a less painful experience. It is definitely doable if you have a normal labor and delivery. 

Tyler called in the midwife and I believe I continued on my side for awhile. I was definitely in the transition mode, which is definitely the most painful. A nurse actually gave me some good advice on getting through those last contractions of breathing out with a low sound. When the pushing sensation fully came into effect, I moved onto my hands and knees. I was very much in the zone of pushing but could slightly tell that nurses were preparing for a baby, my midwife was calm and patient, and Tyler was there being supportive. I am not sure how long I pushed. It was certainly longer than the two pushes it took to get Alice out and shorter than the 45 min to push out Elanor. Pushing a baby out is the most unique experience. It's quite hard, but also so cool. Tyler was able to catch Lucie and as I was on my hands and knees, they passed her to me underneath me. When I saw her, I was quite overcome. She was the most beautiful little miracle rainbow baby. I had a lot of emotions: it had been over 8 years since Alice was born, 2 years since my miscarriage, we had never been able to get pregnant and Lucie felt like this extra special bonus. She was so calm and sweet. She looked up at me like she loved and trusted me.

Lucia Solveig Laurent was born at 4:50 pm (about 3hrs at the hospital) weighing 6lbs 15 oz and 20 in long. 
We chose her name for many reasons. I really wanted a name to honor my Scandinavian heritage. It felt really important to me and way to connect me with that part of me. I am 68% Norwegian and 20% Swedish, Tyler is also about 20% Swedish. I had actually liked the name Lucia (Lu-see-a) for a long time and it had been a name on our list for Alice. We celebrate St Lucia Day, a Scandinavian holiday during Christmas time and I love the origin story. St Lucia helped those in need and carried food to Christians in prison and because her hands were so full, she wore a crown of candles on her head to light her way. She represents light and goodness, and the name Lucia also means light! In looking at my family tree, I found that one of my Norwegian great (many times) grandmas was named Lucie and I loved that spelling vs using the 'y'. 

Solveig (Sol-vay) was my great grandma's name and also my middle name. I hadn't ever met my Grandma Sol but have always felt a special connection as I was named after her and both my mom and aunt loved her so much and have told me a lot about her. Solveig means many things but it means sunshine or sun-way. It also means strong daughter. I love that her name continues on the light theme, as that is what Lucie is a little light. She lights up every room she is in. 

Lucie just turned one years old and we all love her so much. She loves her sisters and they absolutely love her too. It has been such a privilege to care for her, love her, and witness her first year. It just went too fast. I already miss each stage. I love the cuddly newborn stage spent in bed and nursing.

 I love when they first start smiling, cooing, and trying to communicate.

I loved seeing her take her first steps (at 9 1/2 months!) and take off running, climbing, spinning, and dancing.

I love hearing her say, 'mama' even though it's only said when she is sad or in need of something. She says, 'dada', 'mama', 'wow', and occasionally 'uh oh' so far. She also can sign 'please' and 'all done'. She is quite expressive and despite not saying many words yet, she is very good at communicating to get what she wants/needs.

Each new thing she has done this year is so special and watching her grow is always bittersweet. I do know as Elanor is now 13 and Alice 9. It certainly goes fast, which is why I'm really trying to savor this stage of babyhood. 

We all love you, Lucie!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Weekly Photos

This blog really is plenty of nothing. I have been really busy and still am, but I figured it had been so long, and made myself get on the computer today and do this. We have had Elanor's birthday (she's 6 now!) , had Christmas, I'm directing the play Secret Garden with my good friend, Mallory, and I have obsessively been following the news, especially in the last two weeks since Trump has become president. It is really stressing me out and he is pretty much the worst there ever was (that may be an exaggeration, but there certainly has not been anyone so orange). If you would like to take your mind off horrible news, scroll through these photos from the last few months.

Should have been posted November 21st:

 Morning silliness and snuggles.

Should have been posted November 28th:
 With the Christmas tree we picked out.

 Should have been posted December 5th:

 We picked up my brother, Erik (and my parents too, they went to Europe to pick him up and travel around), from the airport after serving a two year mission for our church in Sweden. There was this silly cutout at the airport and of course Elanor and Erik got their picture taken in it.

Should have been posted December 12th:

 Elanor's birthday was the 10th and she had a Harry Potter birthday party. It was a really fun party!

Should have been posted December 19th:
This was a busy week!

Alice with Mema at Kim's school gift charity event.

 We celebrated St. Lucia Day this year (and we like the tradition and will now do it every year!). Elanor in a Lucia dress my parents got her in Sweden, they also opened St. Lucia pajamas.
 We also went and saw Santa this week, Erik gave his homecoming talk, my grandpa and Vonnie were also in town. It was a fun week!

 Should have been posted December 26th:

It was the first time all the Scott kids were there for Christmas in four years. So, of course we had to get pictures taken.

 Alice as the Angel in our little Nativity play on Christmas Eve.

Should have been posted on January 2nd:

Christmas day
 (I left my phone home, so only have these few pictures from the morning! I need to get some from Tyler)
Elanor with her Hermione doll from Santa.

My cousin also got married on the 29th, so we went to Utah for the wedding.

Should have been posted January 9th:

We had a lot of snow and ice storms the first couple weeks in January. I love snow, even though Portland totally freaks out when there is an inch of snow.

Should have been posted January 16th for MLK Day:

Should have been posted January 23rd:

We marched at the Women's March on January 21st for women's rights worldwide. It was a peaceful and unifying experience.

Should have been posted on January 30th:
Bath baby.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Weekly Photo(s)

Behind again, but what's new?

Should have been posted Monday, October 31st:

Should have been posted Monday, November 7th:

 Star Wars characters: Han Solo, Rey, ewok and Leia in ewok garb.

 Should have been posted yesterday, the 14th:
Elanor is playing Molly in Sandy High School's play, "Annie". I did the choreography. We had one weekend of shows last week and have another this week. If you're in the area, you should come!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pumpkin Patch 2016

We went to the most beautiful pumpkin patch this past weekend. Just look at it:
 When I drive out to Sandy from Corbett, I take country roads all the way there (a seriously beautiful drive if you have never done it) and I had seen a small sign for a pumpkin patch on one of my drives. I decided I would really like to go to that patch this year. While more big/festival type pumpkin patches are fun, I prefer to go and actually pick my pumpkin in a patch with rain boots in all the mud. Also, no one but our family was there. Plus, the scenery was just top notch.
 I took quite a few photos because it was so beautiful, the cutest kids were the subjects and the lighting was pretty good. So, forgive me if I indulge in uploading too many photos.
Just look at little Cedric. 

 In an effort to get the babies to stay in one place to take a photo of them all, Elanor decided to play ring-around-the-rosies, which did keep them all in the same place, but not exactly looking. I actually, really love this photo of the three of them.

We tried to get some pictures in a wheel barrow, but no one ever looked at the same time. I still love the candidness of these photos and there are some great expressions pictured. Also, Cedric really could not keep his eyes off the pumpkins. I did not edit these pictures to be this color, they just came out this way. I really like the fall-like feel it gives the photos.

And the lighting must have changed for this one (and several others, I only added this one.) Weird, right?

A family picture!

There was a mini corn maze, which was mostly just paths through the corn stalks, with some "spooky" signs, but it was still fun! This spot was just so gorgeous and these photos do not do it justice, but it was my favorite pumpkin patch experience yet--and I sure love pumpkin patches.