She was born on Friday, December 10th at 4:16 pm and weighed 7lbs. 1oz. and was 20 3/4 in. long.
The story:
I woke up having contractions early Thursday morning and then had them inconsistently all day. I have my Contemporary Issues class from 7-9 Thursday evenings and I had to give a debate while having contractions, it probably was not my best public speaking experience. I started having more regular contractions around 9 and they were every 10 minutes or so. By around 11pm they were every 7 minutes and by around 2:30am they were every 5. Tyler started getting really nervous when my contractions started getting regular and cleaned the whole house (as it had been disassembled because Treemont has been remodeling). I started packing for the hospital and getting everything reading. We left for the hospital around 3am and it was a 45 min. drive to Augusta Hospital. When we got there, I was only dilated to a 3. It ended up being a pretty long night. I had a great midwife and she really made labor easier. I really did not think that labor was that bad until the end. Waiting and not getting sleep were the worst parts, but the contractions with the breaks in between were not terrible. However, the final contractions and pushing the baby out were pretty painful, but I am really glad I did it naturally. I feel like I accomplished something worthwhile and of course Elanor was completely worth it.
Here she is about an hour after birth:
She was able to spend the first hour or however long I wanted with me. They gave her to me as soon as she came out! She was so beautiful!
Here she is holding Tyler's hand.
I was so exhausted after after labor and I stayed awake until she went to get tested and then I fell asleep. So, Tyler got to dress and bundle her all up.
The next day, I felt almost back to myself.
She is already a thinker.
Elanor and Tyler
We left the hospital as soon as we could on Sunday and here we are getting ready to leave.
Elanor has been a really pretty easy baby so far. She sleeps at night really well and has not really had any problems nursing either. My mom and Erik came on Saturday and it has been so nice having them here. My mom has helped out a lot. We are really excited for my dad and Ian to come on the 20th as well.
Here she is getting her first bath at home.
She is so cute!
Elanor and me
By the Christmas tree
Tyler thought she looked hilarious here
Tyler made Elanor a cradle. He did such a beautiful job and I love it!
Elanor sleeping in her cradle
Today (Elanor's 6th day) it snowed! This is taken out of Jessica's window. We had to go over to her house all day today because Treemont is remodeling our apartment.
Here she is 6 days old---The camera really makes her look chubbier, but she is so small. The camera adds weight...
Cute yawn.
We are so excited about our little girl and we are loving being parents. She is a beautiful girl and we are so blessed to have her.
We will have more pictures up soon of Christmas and then Tyler's mom is coming after Christmas and we will take more pictures then too!
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!