Monday, September 14, 2009


Our car broke down today. It has had trouble starting and now it won't start at all. The car is parked on 29th near an auto parts store which was sort of lucky, but they could not do anything to make it work. Who knows what will happen, but at least we know the guy who works at the auto store, so we can get 20% off of car parts. Also, we have rides to school tomorrow which is good.

Another good thing was that I found this really awesome online clothing store. I can't actually buy anything, but I love looking. They have a lot of unique and cute dresses, coats, shoes and more.
Here is the link if you are interested:

Thats all!


  1. what are you guys school schedules. Buck and I will help out anyway we can! LEts us know please

  2. Thank you so much! I start classes on MW at 10am, Friday I work at the library at 2. Tyler has early classes on MW- but does not have class till 10 TR.
